Provide the best chart experience

We gathered all of your feedback to build the best charts in Niagara. We made it simple, dynamic and powerful with tons of advanced features.


Find easily your histories

You have several possibilities to select Niagara histories : 

  1. with pre-defined queries (absolute or relative)
  2. with filtered lists
  3. with successive dropdowns
  4. with a simple drag&drop from the Niagara history tree


Navigate through time

Get beyond the standard Niagara periods and build your own relative periods: the last 20 minutes, the first semester…

Navigate through time : one day back, one hour forward..

Enjoy a complete set of charts

There are many provided charts to fit your use cases


Automated by default, customizable by the user

It’s a pain to parameter each chart, every time: color, aggregation, max…

The way a chart looks with Active-Framework is entirely based on tags, Therefore, it’s always displayed well the first time. Need to personalize it? Use the options popup, it will be saved in the browser.


Enjoy thoughtful features

Real-time refresh, chart shifting, embedded pie…

Offline export

Save into bookmarks

We introduced the concept of bookmarks to let your customers save their chart configuration: period, histories selection, colors, aggregation etc.

Active-Framework is a fast growing toolset for Tridium Niagara 4 to gain productivity and interact with 3rd party systems.

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